If You Are Lifting a Box Someone Places Extra Weight on Top of It for Your Muscle to Continue


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Physiology Exam 1

Question Answer
1. _________________ are the simplest body structures considered alive. 
 A. Organ systems 
 B. Organs 
 C. Cells 
 D. Organelles 
 E. Molecules C. Cells
Blood glucose concentration rises after a meal and stimulates the pancreas to release the hormone insulin. Insulin travels in the blood and stimulates the uptake of glucose by body cells from the bloodstream, thus reducing blood glucose concentration. Thi A. negative feedback
The study of how the body functions is called __________. Physiology
Chemicals in a solution can move down a concentration gradient. This means the chemical will move from the area of __________ concentration to the area of _________ concentration. High; low
Water flows through a selectively permeable membrane in a process called __________, but water molecules cross the membrane more easily through channels of transmembrane proteins called __________. osmosis; aquaporins
The term _____________ refers to a membrane that allows some things to pass through it, but not others. selectively permeable
Muscle cells contain numerous __________ to serve their high demand for ATP. mitochondria
Which of the following marks the boundaries of a sarcomere? Z discs
Which muscle(s) can contract without the need for nervous stimulation? Smooth and cardiac muscle
Why is the contraction strength of smooth muscle relatively independent of its resting length? It does not have sarcomeres
As you are lifting a box, someone places extra weight on top of it. For your muscle to continue contracting and lifting the box, the muscle must __________. recruit more muscle fibers
Which of the following best describes the resting membrane potential (RMP)? The intracellular environment is negatively charged
Which of the following individuals would have more mitochondria in her skeletal muscle? A 22-year-old soccer player
The __________ division tends to prepare the body for action. sympathetic
Which cells form myelin in the spinal cord? Oligodendrocytes
Which of the following ions has the greatest influence on the resting membrane potential? Potassium
An inhibitory local potential causes which of the following? Hyperpolarization of the plasma membrane
When the voltage of a plasma membrane shifts from +35mV towards 0 mV, the cell repolarizing
The process of engaging more motor units to increase the strength of a muscle contraction is called __________. recruitment
Why is the contraction strength of smooth muscle relatively independent of its resting length? It does not have sarcomeres
If one nerve stimulus arrives at a muscle fiber so soon that the fiber has only partially relaxed from the previous twitch, the most likely result will be __________. Incomplete tetanus
Which of the following best describes the resting membrane potential (RMP)? The intracellular environment has more positively charged sodium
Which of the following is predominately made up of myosin? The thick filament
All muscle types will respond to an electrical stimulus because all muscle cells are _________. exitable
A dark band formed by parallel thick filaments that partly overlap the thin filaments is known as an H band. FALSE
Which of the following is an accurate comparison of skeletal muscle to smooth muscle? smooth muscle contracts more rapidly but relaxes more slowly
An isometric contraction does not change muscle length True
Which of the following marks the boundaries of a sarcomere? z discs
Skeletal muscle is called ___________, because it is usually subject to conscious control. voluntary
The synaptic knob releases acetylcholine into the synaptic cleft, which is received by receptors on the motor end plate. Which structure does this describe? The neuromuscular junction of a skeletal muscle
When acetylcholinesterase outlasts the release of acetylcholine from the synaptic vesicles, the skeletal muscle __________. relaxes
Which muscle(s) can contract without the need for nervous stimulation? smooth and cardiac muscle


Source: https://www.studystack.com/flashcard-2132738

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